If you stay with us, you can apply for the Lötschental Card and benefit from various discounts
Visitor’s tax and guest card
According to the visitor’s tax regulations, guests staying overnight at the Lötschenpasshütte are subject to visitor’s tax. Adults pay 4.80 per night, for children from 6-16 the tourist tax is 2.40. In return, our overnight guests can benefit from the Loetschental Card. This includes discounts on mountain railway tickets and free use of the bus line between Goppenstein and Blatten.
The Lötschental Card can be applied for by 6 p.m. on the evening before the booked overnight stay at the latest using the following link
The hut team will confirm the request on the evening before the booked overnight stay. The guest then receives the Lötschental Card by email in digital form.